Pain changes people, right? I wasn't always like this. Before all this, i actually was just a little girl who needed to be taken care of. The sad part is... the only one who looked after me, was me, myself and i. At some point i got lost. Maybe it was my own fault? I took too much weight on my shoulders? My mother was absent, now i know why. She needed to work and finish her studies, she provided for us, because my father... well, lets just say, he was more absent than my mother. Unfortunately this is the smallest piece of the puzzle i am about to assemble. It started here, but this is nothing compared to the things i had to go through later on. I was the kind of girl who had the highest grades, pretty much perfect appearance, always so fucking well put together. I seemed perfect, right? The reality was... when i came home from school, i took the sharpest knife from our kitchen, went to my room, and with that knife i hurted myself, so many times, so many cuts. It took me 3 years...
Young woman seeking adventures, what ever it takes. She has secrets, she is a sinner. I do this to reveal my darkest secrets, because in the daylight i may act like a saint, but when its dark..i just might be the devil